Communications Litigation Today was a service of Warren Communications News.

User Agreement for Communications Litigation Today

Subscribers receive by email a copy of the Executive Summary and PDF-based full text of each newsletter issue, as well as occasional email Bulletins. They also have password-protected access to the Communications Litigation Today website and its contents. All this material is copyrighted. To assure that we both understand the ground rules of your subscription, we ask that you read and agree to the following terms and conditions before obtaining a subscription.

You, as the designated individual subscriber, may view the Executive Summary, PDF newsletter and/or Bulletins on a computer or similar device. You may print one paper copy for your own use. Copies created as part of the normal background operation of a computer system and not normally viewed (e.g., system back-up), are permissible. You individually may use your password to access and view the material on the Communications Litigation Today website and print or save one copy of individual articles or search results for your own use. You may not share your password and no one but you is authorized to use it.

Except as provided above, no copying or distribution in any media is authorized. For example, no part of an Executive Summary, a PDF newsletter, a Bulletin or a website article may be forwarded or posted to facilitate viewing by others, except by prior written permission authorized by us. Unauthorized access, viewing, copying or distribution infringes our rights and may have serious consequences. A “share” function, if one is offered, must be used directly and does not authorize other sharing. To ensure electronic delivery accuracy and copyright compliance, we may choose to use a monitoring service. This service provides us certain technical and usage data from any computer that opens the Executive Summary, a Bulletin or the complete newsletter. We will not share this information with anyone outside the company, nor will we use it for any commercial purpose. More information about our data collection practices is at