Plaintiff Subspace Omega, a network optimization service provider that closed in 2022, fails to allege exclusionary conduct, said Amazon’s motion Monday (docket 2:23-cv-01772) in U.S. District Court for Western Washington in Seattle to dismiss Subspace’s antitrust suit.
The personally identifiable information (PII) of some 7.6 million current and 65.4 million former AT&T customers was compromised in a data breach last month due to the carrier's failure to implement "adequate and reasonable" cybersecurity "procedures and protocols,” a negligence class action alleged Saturday (docket 3:24-cv-00757) in U.S. District Court for Northern Texas in Dallas. It was one of at least eight filed over the breach in the Texas court since Saturday.
New York’s hateful conduct law (Section 394-ccc) “intrudes on websites’ First Amendment rights in a pernicious way,” by using “vague terms” to define hate speech, and forces covered websites to publish a policy explaining how they will respond to and address complaints about that speech, said Santa Clara University law professor Eric Goldman and TechFreedom in an amicus brief Monday (docket 23-356) in the 2nd U.S. Court of Appeals. They support the affirmation of the district court’s grant of a preliminary injunction blocking New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) from enforcing the law.
Protecting wireless industry profits isn’t a good reason to preempt a Kentucky 911 fee law, the state argued Friday. CTIA and the Kentucky 911 Service Board opposed each other’s July summary judgment motions (see 2307280073) in responses at the U.S. District Court for Eastern Kentucky.
The plaintiffs in the two consolidated cases against SB-419, Montana’s statewide TikTok ban, filed nearly simultaneous motions Thursday in U.S. District Court for Montana in Missoula for preliminary injunctions to block Attorney General Austin Knudsen (R) from enforcing the measure when it takes effect Jan. 1. U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy’s June 28 consolidation order (see 2306290041) designated the May 17 complaint (docket 9:23-cv-00056) filed by six Montana TikTok influencers and users as the lead case, and the May 22 complaint filed by TikTok (docket 9:23-cv-00061) as the "member" case.
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to address the application of Section 230 in two terrorist-related cases, saying Thursday lawsuits against Google and Twitter fail to state “plausible” claims.
Reversing the district court’s dismissal of Yout’s complaint for a declaration that its YouTube-ripping software isn't a circumvention tool under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (see 2210240004) would “eviscerate critical safeguards” the statute’s Section 1201 provides, said the Copyright Alliance’s amicus brief Thursday (docket 22-2760) in the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Reversal also would “thus undermine copyright’s goal to disseminate expressive works in the interests of free expression,” said the brief in support of defendant-appellee the Recording Industry Association of America.
New Jersey prorating rules are allowed under the federal Cable Act, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Monday. No justices opposed the opinion by Justice Douglas Fasciale to reinstate the state Board of Public Utilities’ 2019 cease-and-desist order against Altice for failing to prorate canceled bills.