The Commerce Department's Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) has issued its October 2003 Textile and Apparel Trade Balance Report (containing data through October 31, 2003). The Trade Balance Report shows imports and exports and calculates the trade balance for U.S. textile and apparel trade with the world and with major U.S. trading partners.
The International Trade Administration (ITA) has initiated an antidumping (AD) duty investigation on ready-to-cook kosher chicken and parts thereof from Canada.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has published a final rule which amends the Customs Regulations effective January 5, 2004 regarding the advance electronic presentation of information pertaining to cargo (sea, air, rail, or truck) prior to its being brought into, or sent from, the U.S. (See final rule for compliance dates for each transportation mode.)
The International Trade Administration (ITA) has amended its amended final results of the antidumping (AD) duty administrative review of gray portland cement and clinker from Mexico for the period of August 1, 1994 through July 31, 1995 as there is now a final and conclusive Extraordinary Challenge Committee (ECC) decision in this case with regard to CEMEX, S.A. de C.V. (CEMEX) and GCC Cemento, S.A. de C.V. (GCCC).
The Commerce Department's Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) has issued its October 2003 Textiles and Apparel Import Report, which includes statistics on general imports (both quota and non-quota) of cotton, wool, man-made fiber, silk blend, and non-cotton vegetable fiber textiles and apparel.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has published a final rule which amends the Customs Regulations effective January 5, 2004 regarding the advance electronic presentation of information pertaining to cargo (sea, air, rail, or truck) prior to its being brought into, or sent from, the U.S. (See final rule for compliance dates for each transportation mode.)
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a notice stating that it has extended the comment period to February 5, 2004 (from January 5, 2004) for a notice it issued in November 2003 seeking comments to possible changes to the way it sets the Aviation Security Infrastructure Fee (ASIF). (D/N TSA-2003-16345), FR Pub 12/31/03, available at
The International Trade Administration (ITA) has issued its final results of the antidumping (AD) duty administrative and new shipper reviews of certain non-frozen apple juice concentrate from China for the period of June 1, 2001 through May 31, 2002. The ITA states that this review covers five producers or exporters and one producer/exporter.
On December 30, 2003, President Bush issued Proclamation 7746 in order to implement the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement (UCFTA). (See ITT's Online Archives or 12/31/03 news, 03123105, for BP summary announcing the issuance of Proclamation 7746.)
In the December 24, 2003 issue of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Bulletin (CBP Bulletin) (Vol. 37, No. 52), CBP issued notices (a) proposing to revoke a ruling regarding the port where a protest was filed, and (b) revoking a ruling regarding merchandise subject to a tariff rate quota (TRQ) mistakenly filed as non-quota.