Plaintiffs unsuccessful in an antitrust suit vs. Apple three years ago filed another class action (docket 1:24-cv-00053) Tuesday in U.S. District Court for Wyoming in Casper, alleging the iPhone maker engages in “improper conduct that censors app developers.”
Cox Communications’ petition for rehearing en banc of a 4th U.S. Circuit Appeals Court panel’s affirmation of a jury’s finding of willful contributory copyright infringement (see 2403060028) “presents a question of exceeding importance to anyone who cares about access to the internet,” said the petition Tuesday (docket 21-1168).
The U.S. Supreme Court has presumed that enforcement of arbitration agreements is beneficial, resulting in dispute resolution at lower cost and with faster results, but many Americans are also facing "greater unfairness" in the arbitration process, said the American Association for Justice in an amicus brief Monday (docket 22-1218) in support of neither party in Smith v. Spizzirri.
Charter Communications hires call center vendors that it calls “resellers,” based mostly overseas, who run afoul of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act when they sell Spectrum cable and internet services to consumers without Charter's supervision, alleged Frank Novak’s complaint Thursday (docket 2:24-cv-10581) in U.S. District Court for Eastern Michigan in Detroit.
NetChoice wants the California Court of Appeal for the 2nd Appellate District to reverse a trial court’s opinion “that would undermine Section 230’s protections for free discourse online," said its amicus brief Wednesday (docket B335533) with the Chamber of Progress and Team Awareness Combating Overdose, a nonprofit fighting accidental drug overdoses among young adults.
It’s unconstitutional for Washington state to tax federal Lifeline reimbursements, the Washington Supreme Court unanimously decided Thursday. Siding with T-Mobile subsidiary Assurance Wireless, the state’s high court reversed a lower court’s opinion because it found that the Universal Service Administrative Co. (USAC) is the FCC’s instrumentality and thus immune from state taxes.
Internet privacy and security company NordSec, based in Lithuania, uses “deceptive and illegal” automatic renewal practices to “dupe” consumers into paying for pricey subscriptions to its virtual private network, making it “intentionally difficult to cancel,” alleged a class action Tuesday (docket 3:24-cv-00277) in U.S. District Court for Western North Carolina in Charlotte.
A 4th U.S. Circuit Appeals Court panel improperly vacated a jury’s damages award despite defendant Cox Communications’ uncontested waiver of its challenge to that award, and without explaining why it was excusing that waiver, said more than four dozen record labels and music publishers in a petition Tuesday (docket 21-1168) for rehearing or rehearing en banc.
Google plays a “direct and vital role” in gift card scams by allowing cards it knows “were involved in fraud to be redeemed and spent on digital currency and/or digital products which scammers can resell for currency,” alleged a fraud class action Tuesday (docket 5:24-cv-01314) in U.S. District Court for Northern California in San Jose.
When a court compels arbitration, the Federal Arbitration Act's text and structure require the court to stay the judicial action pending the outcome of the arbitration whenever a party requests a stay, said the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in a U.S. Supreme Court amicus brief Monday (docket 22-1218) in support of neither party in Smith v. Spizzirri.