TCPA Plaintiff Answers Show Cause Order, Says He Lives in San Diego County
Thane Charman’s Dec. 4 amended class action alleging that Spectrum had committed Telephone Consumer Protection Act wrongdoing corrected his original complaint to read that Charman lives in San Diego County, which is within the jurisdiction of the Southern District of California, said his filing Monday (docket 3:23-cv-02184). U.S. District Judge Todd Robinson for Southern California had ordered Charman to show cause why his case shouldn’t be transferred to U.S. District Court for Central California in Santa Ana because his original complaint said he lived in Orange County. Charman’s counsel attributed the error to an “editing mistake due to the template that was used to create this case.” Charman alleges Spectrum “engaged in a scheme” to sell cable and internet services via prerecorded and live cold calls to residential phone numbers on the federal do not call registry (see 2311300046).