Pay-TV Providers Lost 1.7 Million Net Subs in Q2: LRG
The nation's largest pay-TV providers lost more than 1.7 million net video subscribers in Q2 2023, about the same loss as in Q2 the year before, Leichtman Research Group said Tuesday. Those pay-TV providers combined have about 71.9 million subs, it said. The largest virtual MVPD services have about 13.4 million subs, it said. For the quarter, the largest cable providers had a net loss of about 925,000 video subscribers, down from about 950,000 subscribers lost in 2Q 2022. Leichtman said other traditional pay-TV services had a net loss of about 690,000 subs, vs. a loss of about 710,000 the same quarter a year earlier. The top virtual MVPD services had an estimated net loss of about 115,000 subs, compared to a loss of 65,000 in Q2 2022. Leichtman said top pay-TV providers had a net loss of about 5.4 million subs overall over the past year, compared to a net loss of about 4.2 million in the 12 months prior.