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WTO Dispute Settlement Body Releases April 28 Meeting Agenda

The World Trade Organization's published agenda for the Dispute Settlement Body's April 28 meeting includes U.S. status reports on the implementation of DSB recommendations on antidumping measures on certain hot-rolled steel products from Japan; antidumping and countervailing measures on large residential washers from South Korea; certain methodologies and their application to antidumping proceedings involving China; and Section 110(5) of the U.S. Copyright Act. Status reports are also expected from Indonesia on measures related to the import of horticultural products, animals and animal products, and from the EU on measures affecting the approval and marketing of biotech products.

Indonesia also will request the establishment of a dispute settlement panel concerning the EU's AD/CVD measures on stainless steel cold-rolled flat products from Indonesia. A dispute panel in the spat on the safeguard measures on large residential washer imports imposed by the U.S. also will issue its report, and the U.S. will make a statement in a dispute on its origin marking requirement for goods from Hong Kong. Numerous countries, but not the U.S., will also propose nominations for the Appellate Body.