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STC Two, Landowner Get 14 Day Extension to Negotiate Cell Tower Peace

Following a status report from parties in a cell tower dispute, U.S. District Judge James Graham issued an order (docket 2:23-cv-00764) Friday extending the temporary restraining order for 14 days (see Ref: 2304110035]), said a filing Friday in District Court for Southern Ohio in Columbus. The parties, STC Two, and property owner Thomas Branham, who owns the land where STC has a tower, have engaged in “meaningful negotiations” concerning potential resolution, said Graham, who didn’t oppose their request for an extension. “Considering both parties’ participation in negotiation and the benefits of giving the parties additional time to resolve the dispute” under terms of the original restraining order, “there is good cause to extend” it, he said. Branham, who owns the property where STC has a cell tower, installed a padlock at the entrance of the tower site, in breach of his lease to STC Two, and refused to remove it. Branham continued to obstruct the Global Signal company’s access to the cellsite “in blatant violation” of the lease, which entitles its employees to access “24 hours per day, 7 days per week,” the complaint said. In his trespass counterclaim, Branham said STC built and placed the cell tower on his property, which is enclosed by metal fencing. The tower wasn’t placed within the boundaries of the easement Branham granted, he said, so when STC employees and customers access the tower, they “must traverse defendant’s land to gain access,” he said. Another status report is due by April 24.