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WTO Countries Discuss Role of Services Council in Implementing MC12 Outcomes

World Trade Organization members held talks Dec. 8 on the role of the Services Council in implementing outcomes of the 12th Ministerial Conference, the WTO said. Topics included the Services Waiver for least-developed countries, the e-commerce Work Programme, WTO revisions and exemptions to the most-favored nation principle.

"On WTO reform, at the request of members, the chair announced that efforts would be made to schedule Council meetings back to back with meetings of its subsidiary bodies to facilitate capital-based participation," the WTO said. "He also said he would issue annotated agendas in advance of Council meetings."

Members agreed on the process to review MFN exemptions. The countries will keep with the question-and-answer process used for the 2016 review, and look at whether the conditions creating the need for an exemption to the MFN treatment principle still prevail, the WTO said. Members will consider exemptions granted for a five-year period.