Pickard, Buchanan Silent at ITC Conference Over 'Betrayal' Accusations From Former Client
Daniel Pickard, partner at Buchanan Ingersoll, was silent at an Oct. 19 preliminary conference at the International Trade Commission over allegations from Amsted Rail Co. (ARC), his former client while working at Wiley Rein, that he violated certain ethical considerations. ARC took to both the ITC and the Court of International Trade to argue that Pickard betrayed the company by releasing its business proprietary information to attorneys and non-attorney staff at his new firm, Buchanan, since he now represents parties with adverse interests to ARC (see 2210170084). ARC raised the issue right off the bat at the preliminary conference, but Pickard did not address the allegations, only carrying on with arguments pertaining to proving that imports of freight rail couplers and their parts from China and Mexico injured the domestic industry.