Gun Safe Meets Criteria for Exclusion From Metal Lockers AD/CV Duties, Commerce Says
A gun safe imported by Hornady meets the requirements of an exclusion from antidumping duties on metal lockers from China, and is not covered by the AD/CVD orders, the Commerce Department said in a recent scope ruling. But another similar model does qualify for the exclusion and is subject to AD/CV duties, the agency said.
Hornady’s SnapSafe Titan satisfies each of the six exclusion criteria for gun safes. It fully contains firearms and provides for their secure storage; uses a mechanical or electronic locking system with at least 10,000 possible combinations (in this case, electronic with 999,999), that is protected by a case-hardened drill-resistant steel plate; and has at least three steel locking bolts of at least 1/2-inch thickness that intrude from the door of the safe into the body of the safe or from the body of the safe into the door of the safe (the SnapSafe Titan has eight locking bolts of 0.98 inch thickness).
The SnapSafe Titan also has panels on the sides that give them an overall thickness of at least 0.1 inch (in this case, 0.14 inches); features a door of at least one layer of seven-gauge steel plate reinforced construction (six-gauge for the SnapSafe Titan); and has an interlocking door that prevents its removal even if the hinges are removed.
“Accordingly, we find that the requested Titan Safe product meets all requirements necessary to qualify for the gun safe exclusion explicitly enumerated in the scope language and is thus excluded from the scope of the Orders based on the plain language of the Orders’ scope,” Commerce said.
On the other hand, Hornady’s Ready Vault, though marketed as a gun safe, does not meet the requirements of the scope exclusion, and otherwise is covered by the physical characteristics listed in the scope. Hornady told Commerce it didn’t meet the gun safe exclusion criteria, and did not provide any information on the six criteria as they relate to the Ready Vault, Commerce said. Nor do they meet the requirements of the safe exclusion from metal lockers duties, Commerce said.