Bureau Action Sets Lifeline Minimum Standard
The FCC Wireline Bureau set the Lifeline monthly minimum service standard for broadband at 4.5 GB on delegated authority, after a circulated order that would have done similar didn’t get enough commissioner votes, said an order released Monday. Without FCC action, the MSS would have increased from the current 3 GB to 11.75 Dec. 1, but with the order the 4.5 GB MSS will take effect on that date. The order partially grants a petition for a waiver from the National Lifeline Association, which sought to freeze the MSS at 3 GB.
“The order states that the scheduled increase to 11.75 GB could risk undue disruption for Lifeline subscribers and providers," emailed an FCC spokesperson. "But allowing the standard to stay at 3 GB, as the petitioner requested, would risk leaving Lifeline consumers behind at a time when broadband access is more important than ever.” Lifeline advocates say the industry can't survive with a 4.5 GB MSS.
The Wireline Bureau also extended COVID-19 Lifeline waivers and denied NaLA’s stay request. See here and here. NaLA didn’t comment.