Globalstar Discussing TLPS/Wi-Fi Safeguards With FCC
Globalstar, while maintaining its proposed broadband terrestrial low-power service (TLPS) won't pose Wi-Fi interference problems, also is talking to the FCC about safeguard requirements for its proposed network operating system. "Think about the [operating system] as providing an extra measure of protection to both licensed and unlicensed services that totally ensures that no detrimental impact can ever occur without being quickly eliminated," CEO Jay Monroe said during a conference call Thursday evening as the company announced Q4 financial results. Globalstar "expressed our support for safeguards to minimize any risk of disruption" in a meeting with FCC staff, including International Bureau Chief Mindel De La Torre, said an ex parte filing posted Monday in docket 13-213. Along with the network operating system, such safeguards also include "an effective equipment certification process," Monroe said Thursday.