Communications Litigation Today was a service of Warren Communications News.

LightSquared Rebranded as Ligado

LightSquared is now Ligado Networks, meant to "signal [its] future vision of deploying its mid-band spectrum to deliver next-generation connectivity while also conveying the company’s heritage as a network service operator providing satellite connectivity," the company said in a news release Wednesday. The name "means being connected and ready to go," CEO Doug Smith said in a blog post. "The name reflects our commitment to delivering and accelerating next-generation connectivity through innovation and collaboration ... with industry and with each other." Ligado has been pushing for regulatory approval of its planned LTE network, especially as it cleared legal battles with GPS makers Deere, Garmin and Trimble (see 1602040015). In an ex parte filing posted Wednesday in FCC docket 12-340, Ligado said board member and ex-FCC Chairman Reed Hundt met with Julius Knapp, head of the Office of Engineering Technology, and other commission staffers to discuss the Ligado-commissioned LTE/GPS interference study being done by Roberson and Associates. Ligado said it discussed the Roberson study methodology and reiterated its oft-made argument that the two technologies can coexist and that the agency should issue a public notice seeking comment on its license modification applications.