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FCC Vote on IP Tech Transition Order May Slip To August Meeting

The FCC may delay a vote on IP technology transition rules from its July 16 meeting to its Aug. 6 meeting, industry sources said Wednesday. With the July 16 meeting's preliminary agenda due out Thursday, an FCC official we spoke to had no comment, but a telco industry official said an IP tech transition order is more likely to be considered at the August meeting. Public Knowledge Senior Vice President Harold Feld said, "We are also getting a sense that it is likely to be delayed to August. The problem is that this is not a sexy issue. This is never going to be on John Oliver, and it doesn't generate billions of dollars in auction revenues." A telecom attorney following the proceeding was more definitive when asked if the commission was expected to put the IP tech transition item on the July 16 meeting agenda, saying, "It's not going to happen." The IP tech transition item grew out of a November rulemaking notice and is aimed at ensuring reliable backup power for consumers, proper customer notification of network and service changes and the preservation of competition through "equivalent" wholesale access to ILEC networks (see 1506220041).