Communications Litigation Today was a service of Warren Communications News.

AT&T Ready To Sue Over Net Neutrality Rules, Stephenson Says in Annual Report

AT&T is ready to take the FCC to court if necessary over its net neutrality rules, Chairman and CEO Randall Stephenson said in the cover letter to the company’s annual report, released Tuesday. “Key policymakers in the administration and at the FCC are now going well beyond any previous concept of net neutrality.” The FCC has reclassified broadband as a Communications Act Title II service under rules “written in 1934 to regulate the rotary dial telephone,” he said. “We feel this antiquated approach will damage investment and damage the Internet itself.” AT&T will “aggressively make the case to policymakers -- and, if necessary, to the courts -- that the FCC’s proposed Title II regulation of the entire Internet is at best a solution in search of a problem and at worst a threat to the United States’ continued global leadership in technology and innovation,” he said.