Department of Education, APTS in Partnership
The Department of Education is forming a partnership with the Association of Public Television Stations to build a national network of workforce and adult education development programs, said Johan Uvin, education acting assistant secretary for Career, Technical and Adult Education, at the APTS 2015 Summit Sunday. “You're reaching people that we cannot. You're in people's living rooms. We need you to work with us and help us bridge that message [of workforce education].” Tuesday, the department will release a Making Skills Everyone's Business report which rethinks the topic of infrastructure for adult learning, he said. The department is working on proposing a Workforce Opportunity Act, which would present a new vision for U.S. workforce development and adult learning, Uvin said. Public TV stations should file comments on the draft once it's released, he said. “I didn't see how we could develop a talent strategy without the help of public TV.” Also at the APTS event, channel sharing was discussed ahead of the FCC incentive auction (see <1502220002).