14 GHz Band Shouldn't Be Set Aside for Just Air-Ground Communications, SmartSky Networks Says
Former FCC Chairman Reed Hundt, representing SmartSky Networks, asked the commission to reiterate that the 14.0-14.5 GHz band won’t be the exclusive one for air-ground communications and won’t limit these services in other licensed or unlicensed bands, said an ex parte letter filed Friday. Qualcomm supported the use of the 14.0-14.5 GHz band for air-ground service to offer customers "an in-flight mobile broadband experience that is equivalent to what is available on the ground today," it said in a comment Thursday. Earlier, a group representing flight attendants raised safety concerns about the proposal (see 1502060034). “We have been -- and will continue -- to work with all relevant safety and security federal agencies to ensure that the risks of in-flight communications are carefully considered and addressed before moving forward," emailed an FCC spokesman.