PMCM TV Challenges CBS, Meredith Corp. Opposition in Spar Over Virtual Channel
PMCM pushed back against CBS and Meredith Corp., saying they haven’t attempted to show that PMCM’s WJLP-TV Middletown Township, New Jersey, caused any problems by use of Virtual Channel 3.10. Meredith Corp. and CBS issued a joint opposition to PMCM’s application for review of FCC Media Bureau orders on the proper virtual major channel for WJLP. That opposition “is essentially non-responsive” to PMCM’s application, PMCM said in its response posted Friday in docket 14-150. “Their failure even to attempt some, any, rebuttal may be seen as an effective concession of the correctness of PMCM’s arguments.” CBS and Meredith Corp. also fail to mention there are no fewer than 105 situations, already in place for years, “in which non-commonly-owned stations with overlapping service areas use identical two-part virtual channel numbers” in apparent violation of the A/65 ATSC standard, PMCM said.