Review Won't Include Crackdown on SSAs, Ryvicker Says
FCC plans for a 2014 quadrennial review of media ownership don't include a crackdown on shared service agreements, said Wells Fargo analyst Marci Ryvicker in an email to investors. At a Wells Fargo-sponsored conference in New York Thursday, Media Bureau Chief Bill Lake told attendees that the commission is looking to gather information on SSAs rather than tighten rules, Ryvicker wrote. “The FCC understands that shared services arrangements are a benign and sometimes necessary method to improve efficiencies and cut costs (often times the only means of survival for a struggling broadcaster), and for the most part, do not pose a regulatory issue,” Ryvicker said. Though the commission may find aspects of some agreements “problematic,” the FCC “simply wants to be informed,” she said. The proposed new rules for SSAs would require registration, but not a form of approval, Ryvicker said.