CEA asked to intervene in support of the...
CEA asked to intervene in support of the FCC in Sinclair’s court challenge of the commission’s incentive auction order, in a motion filed by CEA in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit Monday. Sinclair’s challenge threatens to “derail” or “delay” the incentive auction, which would harm CEA’s members, that association said. Though NAB’s challenge to the auction order was filed last month and has now been consolidated with Sinclair’s, CEA named only Sinclair as the motivation behind the motion to intervene. “Challenges to the Incentive Auction Order by broadcasters who have eight year broadcast licenses harm the FCC’s ability to ensure our wireless networks and innovations are keeping pace with our growing innovation environment,” CEA President Gary Shapiro said in a statement Monday. CEA hopes to help “inform the record” in support of the auction, Vice President-Regulatory Affairs Julie Kearney told us.