The FCC’s focus on restricting who can bid...
The FCC’s focus on restricting who can bid on spectrum caused “consternation” to the anonymous broadcasters comprising Expanding Opportunities for Broadcasters Coalition, said a May email ( sent to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and members of the FCC Incentive Auction Task Force by coalition Executive Director Preston Padden. The email was posted online only Friday, after Office of the General Counsel staff noticed it while processing a Freedom of Information Act request, said a U.S. government memorandum posted along with the email. “Real friends tell friends things they don’t want to hear,” said Padden at the start of the email. Since the email, the FCC has been more receptive to some of the coalition’s concerns, Padden told us Friday. “I don’t think that’s because of the email.” The email complained of the FCC focus on dividing spectrum it does not yet have, and not providing enough pricing guidance to broadcasters. “Instead we get Stanford economist designed ’scoring/adjustment’ schemes to limit payments to willing seller stations,” Padden said. Bidding restrictions “retard auction revenue,” he said in the email. “Please help us to continue to be cheerleaders."