GAO found it difficult to assess the disclosure rules...
GAO found it difficult to assess the disclosure rules and practices of TV and radio stations airing content intended to influence Congress, said a report released Wednesday ( “Information is not available for a comprehensive assessment of relevant content aired from 2007 through 2012.” GAO said 2012 data was the most current available to it at the time of the review. Since broadcasters are required to keep political advertising information in public files for only two years, “it precludes using public file records to conduct research on the number or fair market value of these advertisements beyond a 2-year period,” GAO said. “Few private data sources have archival data on these types of advertisements.” One private contractor that did have such data on specific issues showed broadcasters had aired sponsored ads on issues affecting broadcaster interests “at least 2,646 times, ranging in estimated cost from $6 to over $15,000 per airing,” said GAO. “These are estimates and do not represent what was actually paid for these airings and therefore may not reflect other factors that could affect costs.” The GAO report did not include any recommendations on broadcaster disclosure.