Public TV organizations urged the FCC to revise...
Public TV organizations urged the FCC to revise its broadcast incentive auction rules to ensure that after the auction and repacking, “no community in the country will be left without noncommercial educational television service,” they said Monday in a news release ( The request from the Association of Public Television Stations, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and PBS alters a request made previously by APTS that the FCC create an algorithm alerting it to a bid made by the last remaining public TV station in a market, which the commission rejected in its spectrum auction order (CD June 9 p2). The petition asks the FCC to allow an NCE station operating on a reserved channel “to relinquish all of its spectrum usage rights provided that at least one such station remains on-air in the community,” or that at least one reserved channel is preserved during the repacking process, the reconsideration petition said. This approach allows any station to voluntarily participate in the auction by permitting even the last licensee on a reserved channel to voluntarily enter into a channel sharing arrangement, move from the UHF band to the VHF band, “or relinquish its license as long as the reserved channel is preserved in the repacking process and made available to a new entrant,” it said.