”The time is right” for the FCC to...
"The time is right” for the FCC to end the newspaper/radio cross-ownership ban, said Delmarva Broadcasting, Lancaster Newspapers (LNP) and Steinman Stations, in a comment posted Wednesday in docket 14-50 responding to the FCC 2014 quadrennial review (http://bit.ly/1tusZMK). Comments are due Aug. 6, after an extension, said an FCC public notice (http://bit.ly/1qLzjPC). Delmarva, a subsidiary of Steinman, operates radio stations in Delaware and northern Maryland but not in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where affiliated company LNP publishes a newspaper, the comment said. The prohibition on cross-ownership “does nothing to provide access to a diversity of viewpoints in this digital age,” said the filing. “Instead, the prohibition inhibits the ability of trained communications professionals from deploying their skills and expertise across multiple distribution channels to the detriment of the public.” The Steinman companies working in concert “create a productive synergy between broadcast and print reporting that provides robust content and useful audience-focused interaction,” the filing said: That “creates considerably more community benefit for a newspaper-radio collaboration, not less."