The Overland Park, Kansas, City Council voted Monday...
The Overland Park, Kansas, City Council voted Monday to approve two agreements to allow Google to install fiber huts and Wi-Fi infrastructure in the city for its Google Fiber network ( Members of the council had been concerned about the deal, prompting Google to temporarily halt its plans to include Overland Park in its network (CD May 1 p5). Google said in a statement it will “spend the next few months making sure it’s possible to build our network here, but this vote was a great step forward.” Google separately said residents in four cities in Johnson County, Kansas, can begin signing up for the Google Fiber service. Residents in those cities -- Mission Woods, Roeland Park, Westwood and Westwood Hills -- have until Sept. 12 to sign up for the service. Residents in some Kansas City “fiberhoods” have an additional chance to sign up for Google Fiber. Those neighborhoods must sign up by Aug. 7, Google said. Overland Park is the corporate home of wireless carrier Sprint.