The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill (HR-3830, S-1900) should “prioritize...
The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill (HR-3830, S-1900) should “prioritize the role of the Internet economy,” said a letter ( led by Reps. Darrell Issa, R-California, and Jared Polis, D-Colorado, to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Michigan, ranking member Sander Levin, D-Michigan, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, and ranking member Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. The TPA “rightfully recognizes the key role that the Internet plays in international trade today,” but “does not extend that vision of the importance of the Internet economy throughout its provisions,” said the letter. The bill “states the overall trade negotiating objectives of the United States with respect to any agreement with a foreign country to reduce or eliminate existing tariffs or nontariff barriers of that country or the United States that are unduly burdening and restricting U.S. trade” (