The proposed agreement between AT&T Michigan and Sprint...
The proposed agreement between AT&T Michigan and Sprint to resolve their IP interconnection dispute was rejected by the Michigan Public Service Commission ( Tuesday. Sprint had sought a ruling saying AT&T was obligated under the 1996 Telecommunications Act to interconnect to them. AT&T had argued it was under no such requirement for IP interconnections. Under the proposed agreement filed Feb 25 (CD Feb 27 p16), the sides agreed all traffic Sprint exchanges with AT&T would be delivered in TDM format. They left the IP dispute in the air, saying should they not be able to resolve the issue, they may, on or around July 15, amend the agreement to include IP interconnection. The PSC ruled Tuesday that the sides have to file any contingency agreement they might have, should they not reach an agreement with the commission. The PSC said other providers have a right to see it to make sure their agreements with AT&T are fair. The agreement has to be filed by April 1. AT&T and Sprint had no comment.