The correctional institutions seeking a stay of the...
The correctional institutions seeking a stay of the FCC’s inmate calling service provider rules lack standing to do so, the attorney for Martha Wright told Wireline Bureau officials Thursday, an ex parte filing said ( “They are merely third-party beneficiaries of the unjust, unreasonable and unfair rates,” wrote the attorney for the Washington, D.C., grandmother who originally petitioned the commission for lower prison phone rates. The request for stay filed by CenturyLink should be denied because the ILEC “failed to provide any new basis for granting the Stay that was not addressed” in the order, the Wright attorney said. The petition for stay filed by Pay Tel should be dismissed because its main argument -- that it would not qualify for safe harbor rates -- “is not sufficient basis for overturning [the] three-tiered structure adopted by the FCC,” the attorney said.